Do you need to get your relationship back on track?

Do you feel like you have grown apart over the years? Are you having problems communicating with each other? Do you need to get your relationship back on track? Sometimes, relationships drift apart. Sometimes, relationships are ripped apart. We try to tell each other what is going on, but it doesn’t work. There is too much hurt or anger. We wonder…will this get better?

Couples Therapy Services in Kansas City

Reasons you might call

  • You are having the same discussion/argument over and over
  • You feel like roommates
  • You are not as physically intimate as you want to be
  • You know the other person is a good parent, but your relationship is hurting
  • You want to feel more like a team
  • You want to rebuild trust
  • You have the same issues that keep coming up
  • You are not sure whether to stay married or go separate ways
  • You are satisfied with the relationship, but want it to be stronger
  • You are dating/engaged and want to make sure the relationship starts out strong
  • You want to be happy again

How I can help

Shouldn’t we be able to figure this out on our own? I often hear this from clients. However, we all have times in our lives that we could benefit from an outside, fresh perspective. If you find yourself here, reading this, there is a part of you that is thinking of getting some support. I’m sure you have attempted many solutions to resolve these issues. Some have worked, some haven’t. Couples counseling is another step you can take. I find clients often say, Why did we wait so long to start?”

I can help you get the relationship you want. Couples typically repeat the same pattern whenever they are stressed or hurting. Once, we identify this pattern, I can help you find ways to stop repeating it. You can learn and experience a new way of relating to one another. This can become your new pattern.

Sometimes a relationship has been injured from an affair or betrayal. This can be a painful, shocking experience. I can help you talk through this with one another. I can help you heal.

You may be looking for premarital counseling. Frequently, couples want to make sure they are starting off on the right foot. I can help you discuss important aspects of marriage while you are dreaming of your wedding.

Ways couple therapy can help

  • You feel more committed and united
  • You have a better understanding of when the relationship is getting off course
  • You have better communication
  • You have more fun together
  • You feel closer to one another
  • You trust each other
  • You discover the joy of being in a relationship

You and your relationship can get better. There is hope. Give me a call today and see if couples counseling is the next, right step for you and your relationship.